Darfur Now

A story of hope in the midst of one of humanity’s darkest hours - a call to action for people everywhere to end the catastrophe unfolding in Darfur, Sudan. In this documentary, the struggles and achieveme...

Do Nothing Until You Should

Last winter, a young friend of mine named Rob gave up on his faith. I’ve seen people drift away from God before— me included—and I’ve seen people wilt in the face of hardships, doubt a...

Black is Not Always Urban

Black Entertainment Television network recently launched a reality show called “Baldwin Hills.” It follows the lives of a group of African-American teenagers who live in what is portrayed as the bla...

Has Christianity Become UNCHRISTIAN?

Gabe Lyons is the founder of the Fermi Project (fermiproject.com) and the Q Conference (see the July/August issue of YouthWorker Journal). Lyons commissioned The Barna Group to conduct a national study of teens...

Let Them Lead and They Will Worship

If you involve them, they will come. With so many activities vying for teenagers’ time and energy—sports, academics, social life, sleep—it’s a wonder young people ever attend worship s...

My Dark Night of the Soul

As a youth worker, I was often on the lookout for cultural stuff I could use as springboards into talks about the gray areas of life. Having an apologetic bent, I was eager to locate ways to illuminate and cont...

I Ceased Striving

I once was found, but now I’m lost. Ever entered that in your journal? This turn of a phrase accurately depicts this year for me. Not “lost” salvation-wise—I do not doubt a believer...