Text-messages Save Student Lives

The shootings at Virginia Tech last April urged officials at St. John’s University to review security procedures. Result: use a text-messaging system informing students of a crisis. It worked. On Wednes...
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This is what we do!

Hello, I am from Michigan and I am a part time youth pastor. We have about 20 - 25 in our jr. and sr. high group. We meet on Wednesdays for our regular youth meeting. We start out at 6:30pm with some light game...

Youth Ministry Bears the Good News of Lament

October 2, 2006. March 2, 2007. April 16, 2007. These three dates have forever changed the lives of certain people in very public ways. On the first date, a 32-year-old husband and father of three children ende...
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Sign up today to start receiving"the" resource for youth workers.  For only $34.95, a savings of over 15% off the newsstand price, you will receive six issues packed with valuable youth worker re...

We’re All Adolescents Now

Informality, impatience with tradi­tion, entertaining worship services, spiritual seeking, falling in love with Jesus, idealistic (or naïve) political activism, the gospel of emotion manage­ment. W...