A Mother’s Prayer

Dear Will and Matt, Once boys, now men. You’re “leaving the nest”—rather thunderously, you must admit. Eighteen years ago, you turned our home upside down when we had to transform our...

Keeping the Faith Post-Youth Ministry

Do youth ministry programs prepare young people for life after high school? We asked three college ministry experts to share how they see teenagers spiritual­ly, theologically and intellectually pre­par...

A Sportsaholic’s Library

For years my life revolved around sports. All I wanted to be when I grew up was a bigleague baseball player. Every book report title I chose was about baseball. I had it bad. A junior high teacher required tha...

God is a Family Guy

“It is a good idea for Christians to date non-Christians.” That was how I started out our family’s devotional time one evening. Then I added, “Do you agree, disagree, or are you undeci...