Chasing Elephants: Wrestling with the Gray Areas of Life
Brent Crowe
NavPress, 2010, $14.99

Many divisive tensions among Christians are rooted in black-and-white conclusions on biblical passages that offer more tension than clarity. Brent Crowe effectively explores these seemingly gray topics, such as homosexuality, the cyber world, social drinking, entertainment and humanitarian efforts. The author’s thought-provoking approach uncovers the recurring themes in Scripture in order to lead the reader into a healthier journey in Christ.

There’s something here for everyone, whether theological novice or legalist who has no interest in changing perspective. Pieces of the book seem repetitive, yet the rehashing can be advantageous. Instead of offering air-tight answers that lead to false security, Crowe identifies better questions that we must ask in order to foster greater conversational and spiritual freedom that is Christ-centered and Bible-based.

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About The Author

Tony Myles is the Lead Pastor of Connection Church, an incredible movement of God in Medina, Ohio. With over 20 years of experience and advanced education in youth ministry, he is also a volunteer youth worker in his church, national ministry coach, book author, and columnist. Mostly, Tony is a “messy Christ-follower” with an overflowing love for God, his amazing wife Katie, their two awesome boys and one beautiful girl, and the Church in all its imperfect, redemptive beauty. Twitter: @tonymyles

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