Walk with Me: Explore Tough Choices
Willy Nywening, Tina Joshua-Bargh and Vicki Witte
Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2007, 47 pp., $6.25, www.crcna.org
The Seven Deadly Sins: A Survival Guide
Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2007, 71 pp., $16.95, www.crcna.org
Walk with Me, a four-session curriculum on tough choices, is the first of 27 installments written to provide teaching material for a junior-high Sunday School class. The three-year approach to junior-high discipleship strategically moves students from tackling issues to discussing the teachings of Jesus to understanding the church.
Each session provides ample material that is intended to target a class full of students with different learning styles. While being biblically sound, Explore Tough Choices struggles with being culturally relevant and addressing topics that are important to junior-high students in their day-to-day world. The flavor of material and corresponding handouts seem better suited for older elementary students than for junior highers.
DeYoung’s The Seven Deadly Sins repackages the apostle Paul’s ancient list of vices for a new generation in hopes of bringing to light some of our world’s biggest pitfalls. This creative nine-session study weaves together activities, quotes, discussion questions, media suggestions and Scripture that clearly echo the New Testament themes of transformation.
Not only does this curriculum clearly define each sin, but it also challenges students toward more Christ-like character with take-home challenges.
The leader’s guide is user friendly, requires little prep and offers many teaching tips and optional activities.