Church Programs and Celebrations for All Generations
Rachel Gilmore
Judson Press, 2010, 120 pp., $18.00,

In Church Programs and Celebrations for All Generations, Rachel Gilmore tackles the question facing thousands of churches across the United States: “How do we incorporate programming that actually brings diverse generations together?” Using the family as an educational model, Rachel has created programming that involves each generation teaching another. Incorporating Christian and secular days of celebration, careful effort has been made to be culturally applicable and biblically relevant.

Harnessing Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, thee included activities are interactive, engaging and entertaining for everyone. The lessons have been designed for application to one’s particular audience, situation and time constraints with special emphasis on worship and fellowship. This book is a good read for anyone who is tired of watching the widening generational gap but never has had a good tool to pull it back together.

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