Is the Bible True…Really? A Dialogue on Skepticism, Evidence and Truth, 144 pp., $6.99
Who Is Jesus…Really? A Dialogue on God, Man and Grace, 144 pp., $6.99
Did the Resurrection Happen…Really? A Dialogue on Life, Death and Hope, 160 pp., $6.99
Josh McDowell and Dave Sterrett
Moody Publishers, 2011

Josh McDowell has repackaged his modern apologetics presentation into a postmodern narrative. Each short novella in the trilogy follows the fictional conversations and faith journey of a handful of college students and their instructors. As the storyline progresses, each encounters a tension in his or her faith that leads to discussions regarding the credibility of Christianity.

On the positive side, these books provide an introductory approach to apologetics for a generation that may not know McDowell or the non-fiction material he has produced in the past. The characters offer a case-study conversation that may give teenagers and young adults the confidence to engage their friends and school faculty about matters of faith. The negative, however, is the storyline seems too polished for how it would occur in reality. Students may read this and expect similar results overnight that may take more time.

Overall, these books follow their agenda well, and the reader will be afforded the knowledge of why they believe what they believe.

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