Congratulations, You’ve Got Tweens! Preparing Your Child for Adolescence
Paul Pettit
Kregel Publications, 2007, 158 pp., $10.99,

Pettit begins by acknowledging there is an in-between stage of development in children/teens, hence the term “tween.” His book is geared toward parents, focusing on authentic communication and balance. Pettit stresses the tween must form and fashion a unique self-identity and begin to separate emotionally from parental figures.

The format is friendly, providing ample information, as well as an introduction and conclusion to each chapter. Discussion questions are available for follow-up and life application.

Sections of the book are repetitive and difficult to read, but in general the information is relevant and helpful. Many basic ideas, such as active listening, self-fulfilling prophecy and the need to be actively involved in your child’s life are reinforced. This is a worthwhile tool, especially for those who have less experience working with “tweens.”

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