Reflection on the title by Andrea Blaugrund Nevins
Oscilloscope Laboratories, 2012, DVD, 99 min., $29.99

• What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word father? How about daddy?
• Who are some of the celebrities who recently have become fathers? How do you think they will do as fathers?
• Make a list of five things that would describe your own father.
• What is our culture’s view of fathers and fatherhood? Think about sitcoms, cartoons and movies.
• Think about this quote: “So many people tell their kids, ‘I gave you life so you need to listen to me,’ but to me my kids gave me a life, so I want to learn from them.” Is it possible that God has allowed you to be a parent not so you could teach yours kids holiness, but in order for them to teach you holiness?
• Think about this quote: “Maybe changing the world is not about writing a better punk song, but being a better parent. Maybe what is going to change the world is people being better parents.” What do you think about that quote?

Look up and ask: What does the Bible says about fatherhood:
Deut. 6:4-8
Prov. 23:24
Luke 11:11-13
Eph. 6:4
Col. 3:21

• Even though the men presented in this movie are not or do not claim faith, do you see them living out some of the biblical truths?
• After watching this movie and reading the passages, what do you understand to be the main challenges for a parent?
• One of the main topics presented in this movie and as part of the biblical instructions is the idea of being present. What does that mean for you? How is that a struggle in our society for fathers (and parents in general)?
• What is one challenge you can take away from this movie and study?

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