There seems to be a disconnect between what young people are learning about sex, when they acquire their knowledge, and their subsequent sexual behavior. In U.S. schools, there seems to be two methods of sex education: abstinence-only and comprehensive. However, there’s no systematic method of tracking what schools teach, and some argue extremes of complete neglect to scare tactics are used to modify outward behavior rather than convey pertinent information.

Discussion Starters

1.) Do you see your students displaying sexual behaviors in contrast to what they “should” know at their age?
2.) How do you address these issues with your students? Their parents?
3.) Do students ever present questions, or express interest in learning, about topics of a sexual nature that you feel they should’ve already had answered or learned elsewhere? If so, how do you balance students’ need for accurate and appropriate information in keeping with discretion, modesty and reasonable boundaries?

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