Jeff Jacoby is shocked at the sex-selective abortions taking place in America.
The unfettered “right to choose” is a progressive value, we are instructed by the abortion lobby – one indispensable to the empowerment of women. But a new study in PNAS (the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) prompts an awkward question: How exactly are American women empowered when abortion is deployed to prevent the existence of American girls?
Population experts have documented for years the use of abortion for sex selection in regions of the world where sons are more highly prized than daughters.
The problem is particularly acute in Asia, and especially in China and India, the world’s two largest countries.
“Nothing can excuse such abortions in the United States–nothing except the theology of “choice,” which elevates the right to an abortion above all other considerations. You don’t have to be a feminist to know that being a girl is not a birth defect, or to be horrified by a practice that lethally reinforces the most benighted forms of sexual discrimination. For what kind of feminist would it be who could contemplate the use of abortion to eliminate ever-greater numbers of girls, and not cry out in horror?” Jacoby said.