Standard Publishing, 2009, 64 pp., $14.99,
The Faith Café series currently consists of two and a half years of weekly small-group meetings for your youth ministry. The final segment completing Faith Café‘s second year explores the great topic of how Jesus lived and what we can learn from His actions.

The series includes a leader guide, participant guide and promotional “café” logo items, including coffee mugs, coasters and barista aprons.
The leader guide, which includes a DVD, provides very thorough explanations and suggestions of how to use the materials with your students. Each segment has hands-on ideas to engage your group, popular quotes, stories and Scripture on which to reflect, and additional resources for further exploration of each topic. Each week also provides a spiritual discipline on which to focus, as well as daily Bible readings to take students through the Bible in a year.

Jesus the Rebel, Who We Follow will give you a lot to work with and even more for your students to think about.

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