Britain is suffering from an epidemic of family breakdowns affecting all levels of society from the Royal family downward, according to one of the country’s most senior judges. Mr. Justice Coleridge, who presided over the preliminary divorce hearings of Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills, accused Gordon Brown of prioritizing the abolition of plastic bags over support for families and says the government is “fiddling while Rome burns.”
“Without being in any way over-dramatic or alarmist, my prediction would be that the effects of family breakdown on the life of the nation, and ordinary people, in this country will, within the next 20 years, be as marked and as destructive as the effects of global warming.
“We are experiencing a period of family meltdown whose effects will be as catastrophic as the meltdown of the ice caps.”
Judges are witnessing a “never-ending carnival” of human misery, and almost all of society’s social ills can be traced back to the collapse in family stability, he says.