Okay peeps. I am writing this from bed. I have my little backpack—my ymca card….my workout clothes and of course the hydra coach—ready to go. I had every intention of being fast asleep 47 minutes ago and yet here I am. Well, 5 am will come early for me so I probably better wind down.
I did post some video from Guatemala on the exit71.org site and my facebook profile. But I am excited about what God is going to do as we partner with Pastor Alvaro, Mark and Andrea Smith, Shalom School and church. Perhaps you can’t go with us…maybe you are a blog reader from a different state or corporate body of worship—you can still be involved by praying for the team as it is being put together. You can pray for Mark and Andrea Smith as they are serving in Guatemala City. Mark is the principal of the school we will be working with and is able to serve in the capacity of Spiritual Direction for the students who attend there. Over 700 students are in attendance at Shalom school and there is a teaching staff/support staff of 50.
Pray also for Pastor Alvaro as God continues to give him wisdom and direction for how he and his church are to be the hands and feet of Christ to their neighborhood in zone 18.
Thank you for partnering with us as we partner with Christ to serve in all places God calls us to live out His love to a lost and dying world.