Fun-Filled Parenting: A Guide to Laughing More and Yelling Less
Silvana Clark
Regal Books, 2010, 192 pp., $12.99,

Love and logic are all well and good, but Silvana Clark contends that sometimes you and the kids just need a good laugh. Fun-Filled Parenting is stuffed with silly ways to defuse discipline issues and power struggles that threaten to devolve into deadly seriousness.

Perky and positive throughout, Clark understands her level of light-heartedness may seem unattainable to some, so each of the 17 chapters contain four-week plans for gradually adding crafting, volunteering and traveling to your lifestyle and changing how the family relates to potential bummers such as homework, fitness, devotions and chores. Many of Clark’s tips could be tailored for teens and their evolving concept of fun, but off the rack they are better suited for those whose eyes light up rather than roll when confronted with costumes and kazoos.

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