Generation Hex: Understanding the Subtle Dangers of Wicca
Dillon Burroughs and Marla Alupoaicei
Harvest House Publishers, 2008, 159 pp., $9.99

Burroughs says, “[A]mong the students I served, the number one religion I encountered other than Christianity was not Islam or Judaism, but Wicca.” With that in mind, this text is for teachers, parents, youth workers and students who want to be on guard.

Part one instructs on the basics: What is Wicca? How has it grown? What is believed and practiced? Part two gives advice on how to deal with the rise of Wicca in today’s teenage and pop culture as a whole. It also presents a parallel comparison of Wiccan beliefs and Christianity and guidance on how to engage seekers with respect and love.

This is a well-written, comprehensive text that should be placed in each Christian’s arsenal.

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