The Backdrop
God reveals. It’s what He does, and He revealed Himself in one sure-fire way for us to know Him: through His Word.

The What
This devo is fairly simple. Each passage below is from a different era of God’s revelation in Scripture (with the exception of two from the Book of Revelation). Each passage talks about God’s Word (you’ll see words such as decrees, word, laws, precepts, etc.) in one of two ways: what God’s Word does for us; what we are to do with God’s Word.

Take your Bible, a writing pad (or iPad), get to a quiet place and let yourself experience these verses in a meaningful way. Label two columns similar to the headings you see below. As you read the passages, write in the appropriate column anything you find that instructs you about what to do with God’s Word (“God’s Word” is also described as decrees, statutes, precepts, etc.) or anything you find that tells you what God’s Word can do to or for you. (By the way, don’t feel as if you have to do all of this in one setting. The point isn’t to power through the verses; the point is to experience them.)

What I am to do with God’s Word:     What God’s Word will do to/for me:

Joshua 1:7-8
Deuteronomy 4:5-8
Pslam 119:96-105
Ezra 7:10
Matthew 13:23
Hebrews 4:12-13
Revelation 1:3
Revelation 22:6-7

The So What
As you can see, if we want to be close to God, we need to stay close to His Word. If we want to see through the enemy’s deception, we need to stay close to God’s Word. If we’re looking for resolve to beat temptation, you know the drill: Stay close to God’s Word. As you can tell from these passages, different eras of God’s revelation carried a similar theme: Know and obey God’s Word. The same is true today. If we do what these verses tell us to do with God’s Word, we will unleash what God’s Word will do to us and for us.

Take a minute to journal your thoughts to these questions:

What did you feel God saying to you as you experienced the passages noted above?

What do you need to do to be closer to God and His Word?

Seal the Deal
Did you notice some repeated action words regarding what we’re to do with God’s Word? Of course, different Bible versions will use different words, but an action word that may have shown up frequently is this: meditate. So, let’s do it. Start moving closer to God and His Word by meditating on the passage below. Spend at least 10 minutes lingering with the passage. Let yourself draw some conclusions from it (such as, “If this is true, then…”), or ask questions about it (such as, “How would my life be if I really did this?”).

Psalm 119:98-99
“Your commands are always with me and make me wiser than my enemies. I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on Your statutes.”

God has great things He wants to reveal to us. The more time we spend in His Word, the more we’ll see of His revelation.

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