Green Revolution; Coming Together to Care for Creation
Ben Lowe
InterVarsity Press, 2009, 182 pp., $15

50 Ways to Help Save the Earth: How You and Your Church Can Make a Difference
Rebecca Barner-Davies
Westminster John Knox Press, 2009, 128 pp., $14.99

Churches going green—talk about a hot topic! Green Revolution and 50 Ways to Help Save the Earth give a great invitation to the discussion.

In Green Revolution, Lowe focuses his efforts on the “why” of this topic. He explains why Christians have not seen this as essential, biblical or even necessary. Shouldn’t we be the ones leading the charge to be better stewards of God’s creation?

From classrooms to the Capitol, Lowe has been a warrior in the Creation Care Movement.

50 Ways to Help Save the Earth invites Christians into a more practical pool of ideas. Front-loading washers, compost piles and farmers markets are a few of the tips she suggests. So moved, I started a compost pile and cleared a spot for a garden the day after I finished reading this book. Barnes-Davies gives a practical and educational edge to an issue that comes back to simplicity.

These books will continue to challenge some and bring a sigh of relief to others who finally are hearing this message from the church.

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