Kate Battistelli
Charisma House, 2012, 240 pp., $14.99

Parents never can see the full impact of their day-to-day decisions on the life of a child—especially when a parent is navigating the rough waters of adolescence. However, Kate Battistelli has opened up her home and offers a personal blueprint, detailing how she reared an award-winning Christian recording artist daughter in Growing Great Kids. Perhaps nothing speaks as powerfully as personal experience.

The book has an ample supply of statistics, but doesn’t get bogged down in information. On the whole, this is a testimonial title and inspirational read. For any child pursuing a career in music or movies, the stories here will have an impact and appeal. Mother and daughter describe the pitfalls and potentials.

While Battistelli’s book may not be every parent’s path, she provides a testimony to the power of parental involvement, integrity and the importance of keeping expectations high. Youth leaders may want to keep a copy on their shelves as a resource for parents, and some of the personal stories in the latter chapters may offer talking points for a teen-parenting class, including questions and prayers.

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