Guy Talk Girl Talk 2: 10 More Gender-Specific Lessons on Everyday Issues Your Teens Face
Doug Fields
Simply Youth Ministry, 2008, 104 pp., $29.00,

Every student pastor is looking for tips for empowering others to lead small groups. Guy Talk Girl Talk 2 coaches you on how to engage these gender-specific issues and bring Scripture into collision with the issues of youth culture. Drugs, pressures, identity, sex and relationships are just a few of the foci of this manual. Even if teaching directly from a book might not be your flavor, this will give you ideas about how to approach 10 difficult topics.

In his typical fashion, Doug Fields delivers ready resources to youth workers. The disk that comes along with Guy Talk Girl Talk 2 offers ready-to-print versions of the lessons for your students and leaders along with media images. This book is for anyone who needs help getting a handle on interactive teaching topics and methods.

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