This video was created by Kerusso, the student drama and worship ministry Parkway Baptist Church in St. Louis, Missouri. Explained by youth pastor Jasper Rains: “After seeing the movie To Save A Life, we did a six week follow-up series called ‘To Save A Life: Be The Church.’
“During this time, a student at a local high school committed suicide. Some of our students knew him. This event made the issues of pain and hurt among our friends even more real to us. We talked about wanting to show hope to our friends. When we started talking about the lack of hope in our friend’s lives, we were reminded of the things that teens are going through…as a result of the conversations we had together and that sermon series, we produced this video to show the last week of the messages.”
How To Save A Life
Jasper offers this advice to youth workers who want to create ministry videos:
“Start by buying an inexpensive video camera. Our entire video was shot with a Flip video camera bought for under $200. You don’t have to spend a lot on editing equipment. Most computers come with preloaded video editing software (like Windows Movie Maker). We searched online and purchased another editing product that could do a bit more than the freeware and purchased it for about $50.
“If a song affects you as a group, consider how you might use it in a video. Brainstorm ideas together. For us, a story to tell in the video is most effective. We create the story and then put it with a song that God has used in our lives and combine them to make a video that is challenging. We do silly videos as well. You don’t have to have a lot of money to produce something good. Start in prayer before you produce anything and I think God will lead you as you use video to minister.”