How do children learn to be adults when it comes to project and money management?, which was introduced in 20009 and now helps 250,000 families, was designed top do just that. Created by Phoenix financial planner Gregg Murset, is a free tool that helps parents teach their kids the foundation skills of a strong work ethic and financial responsibility. helps parents and children track their school work, chores and practices. has developed money management relationships with several major banks. With ING Direct Bank, members now can open a Kids Savings Account with no fees and no minimum balance.

In addition, children ages 9 and up can have added real-world experience if they sign up for an ING Direct Money Debit Card through The card allows children to learn lessons in spending and tracking money, but it also has a safety valve as it can be set up so that when the child uses it, the parent gets a text message detailing where and how much was spent.

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