iShine Live, the new, tween- (commonly defined as kids ages 8-14) focused tour, has received an overwhelming response from people worldwide after recent coverage on “The 700 Club,” “American Family Radio” and on “Christianity Today” online.

With a flood of messages sent to their Web site alone, families are connecting with the faith-based tween tour and its message of finding an identity in Christ. In addition, many have reached out to bring iShine Live to their cities in 2009, for which a lot of excitement is building for an estimated 50 tour dates, with a tentative spring kick-off scheduled for March. Below is just a sample of the feedback.

“Our kids need to know that wherever Christ is that’s the best place. It is not a place, it’s them. We are so surrounded by the world’s view in everything that as a parent I feel it is such an uphill battle to instill Gods Word. Luckily, my daughter is 9 years old and she is still open to what I tell her. Thanks for what you are doing; we really would like to see you here.” –Emma in Arizona

“I would love to see your ministry come to North Battleford, SK, Canada … our tweens need some uplifting and activities for them.” –Patricia in Canada

“This age group is so very important. The decisions that are made at this point in their lives pave the way for future decisions. God should be important in their lives. Please tell me more on how I can become involved to bring this event to our city.” –Tammy in Alabama

“My daughter is 11. She needs a ‘connection’ to the church for her age. How would I go about getting you and your team to come and minister to our tweens? This is a group of people that we are losing. I was encouraged when I watched you on ‘The 700 Club’! Nothing is by accident. I know I was meant to see you. Thank you, for the sake of the tween generation!” –Karen in California

“I have a 9- and 11-year-old. With everything they are exposed to in the world, we, as parents, need all the help we can get, to keep them following Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” –Janet in Texas


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