Jesus Brand Spirituality: He Wants His Religion Back
Ken Wilson
Thomas Nelson, 2008, 216 pp., $19.99,

Ken Wilson believes, or at the very least hopes, that we are on the verge of some major shifts in Christian spirituality and that these shifts will bring us closer to a faith that more nearly resembles Jesus Brand Spirituality.

Wilson maps the Christian landscape into four quadrants: liturgical, social justice, evangelical and renewalist. He suggests we are witnessing a blurring of the lines. While some adherents polarize from the center, Wilson believes the future holds a great emerging faith where these four separate traditions begin to form a convergent church.

If you are interested in exploring what is sometimes referred to as “new rose” theology by Phyllis Tickle, who (incidentally) wrote the forward, and how your own pilgrimage may lead you toward the center of Christian emergence, then this is right up your alley. You’ll discover where you’ve been, your initial perspectives on faith, and maybe get some insight into where you are going.

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