Andrew Marin
Zondervan, 2011, Participant Guide 107 pp., DVD 6 Sessions, $31.99

No matter what perspective your church takes on the topic of homosexuality, it’s likely there is some room for growth. Andrew Marin credibly offers some valuable content on the subject via this DVD and study guide, and viewers will in turn recognize a biblical methodology beyond the cliché “Love the sinner, hate the sin.” The other side of the issue is likewise refreshing, offering more than a trite mandate that “God made me this way, so affirm it.”

The workbook and videos seamlessly create a personal study or conversation that utilizes six sessions of humanizing content and testimony. Although Marin enters into several topics of controversy, he never blinks at the value of showing people Jesus throughout the journey. It feels as if his target audience for the presentation is an adult Christian; however, students could get a lot out of the sessions.

Content of this caliber can practically address current concerns in your youth group or help anticipate emerging questions down the road. Whether your congregation is more liberal or conservative, there is likely something new these materials will uncover to build a better bridge between God and the LGBT community. My suggestion would be to process it in a community of adult leaders to gain a common language with each other before introducing it to students.

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About The Author

Tony Myles is the Lead Pastor of Connection Church, an incredible movement of God in Medina, Ohio. With over 20 years of experience and advanced education in youth ministry, he is also a volunteer youth worker in his church, national ministry coach, book author, and columnist. Mostly, Tony is a “messy Christ-follower” with an overflowing love for God, his amazing wife Katie, their two awesome boys and one beautiful girl, and the Church in all its imperfect, redemptive beauty. Twitter: @tonymyles

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