THE GAME: Think of items that players are likely to have on hand (e.g., sticks of gum, sunglasses, keys, paperbacks and backpack carabiners). Also think of group strengths (e.g., athletes and artists), and use the items as the basis for a fun, spontaneous scavenger hunt.

Ask players to form groups of four to six. Players should have their backpacks, purses, wallets, jackets and gym bags on hand. Call out the list to each group and give the signal to start the mini-scavenger hunt. The round ends when one group collects all items on the list. After five rounds, applaud the group that found the most items.

• What did you learn from this game?
• How are we resources to each other?
• Why is it important to work together and lean on each other?
• Do you ask others for help when you need it?
• Do you willingly help others? Why or why not?
• If you had played this game by yourself, how do you think it would have been easier? More difficult?

ASSET CATEGORIES: Support, Empowerment, Social Competencies

Source: Great Group Games: 175 Boredom-Busting, Zero-Prep Team Builders for All Ages

© 2007 Search Institute

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