Organic Leadership: Leading Naturally Right Where You Are
Neil Cole
Baker Books, 2009, 314 pp., $19.99,

Organic Leadership, a sequel to Organic Church, calls healthy, growing disciples to emerge, to employ their existing skills and situations to be natural leaders. Organic Leadership is an engaging, enabling text, borrowing intelligently from familiar illustrations of natural leadership found in contemporary firms.

On the other hand, Cole boldly and blatantly challenges many of the assumed power structures and the contrived presuppositions of who is equipped to be a leader in the Church. He disputes our measures of success and the acceptance of the status quo. Cole confronts the artificial methods of how present leaders are selected, in favor of leadership that is relational, spiritual and natural and in a sense organic.

This is not a book for control freaks. It’s a book that champions the millions of potential leaders who eagerly await their opportunities to make a difference for God’s kingdom.

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