Youth Culture Update: Not Child’s Play

Toy makers, who have watched their profits stagnate through the years, are turning to an unusual source to goose profits: pint-size YouTube reviewers. Evan YouTubeHD (not, of course, his real name) is one ...

Why Am I So Busy?

Few understand how busy youth pastors are. One rehearsal takes up three of our precious hours. We are very busy, often more than than many other pastors. Why are we so busy? Where does our time go? For many ...

Purpose for the Pain

Eighteen year ago, I answered the call to youth ministry. Good, bad or ugly, I'm in this for the long haul. During that time, I've seen amazing things, stuff I wouldn't trade for the world. I've also experience...

Youth Culture Lesson: Banned

Fault in Our Stars Kicked Out of California Middle School Get downloadable PDF. Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation. About/Disclaimer What Happened: A committee for the Riverside (Calif.) Un...

An Influential Generation

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Youth Group Devo: A Cleansing Selfie

Quick Backdrop You probably know the exploits of King David, but as a quick review, or if you're not familiar with King David, here are some snapshots of his storied life. You may want to read the verses n...