Shoe In

Shoe in is a wonderful rainy-day game—or a large-event game if you need energy. Begin by inviting the group (or groups) to sit in a circle. Everyone then removes his or her shoes, tosses them into th...

Generation Gaps

"An account of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah" (Matt. 1:1).There has been much written in recent years about the various generations—especially the Millennials. In a recent article in Time magazi...

The Complex that Captures Us

Comparativitus. It's a made-up Latin word by my professor friend Dr. Larry Dixon. The word cannot be found in any dictionary, yet its truth is every leader's battle with this complex. I wonder if comparing ours...

Youth Group Devo: Build Your Own Devo

Quick BackdropWhat's your favorite Bible verse? Write it down on a blank piece of paper. If no verses come to mind, here are a few well-known verses. Feel free to use one of these for this devo.John 3:16Ro...

Youth Culture Update: Go Figure

Earlier this year, the Los Angeles School District—the second laregest school district in the country—decided to spend $1 billion to give each of its students an iPad (650,000 in all) that would be ...

Youth Culture Update: Getting Fitter

Teens seem to be eating more veggies, less sugar and are exercising more often, according to a study published in Pediatrics. While most teens still fall below federal guidelines of getting an hour or more of e...

Youth Culture Update: Goodbye, Finn

On Oct. 10, "Glee" aired its first in-show acknowledgment of the death of Cory Monteith, who played Finn in the program and died from an overdose of heroin and alcohol. The episode took place three weeks after ...

The Power of a Respected Champion

When a leader with long tenure and lots of chips in the bank supports a new idea, its odds of gaining a fair hearing skyrocket. So do its odds of success.But what happens if you don't have much tenure or a pile...