Honor: Living up to Values

Honor is one of those words that many use but few try to define. You see it carved on public buildings or on local war memorials. You can read about it in books and hear it used in everything from speeches to c...

Duty: Fulfill Your Obligations

Duty begins with everything required by law, regulation and orders; but it includes much more than that. We do our work not just to the minimum standard, but also to the very best of our ability. Soldiers commi...

Youth Group Devo: A Prayer Selfie

Quick BackdropIt happens to all of us—that occasion when you know you need to have personal quiet time or prayer time, but you don't know what to do. Without a plan, it's more likely that you will&nb...

Faith in Action

"So Ananias went and entered the house. He laid his hands on Saul and said, 'Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on your way here, has sent me so you may regain your sight" (Acts 9:17).The su...

Youth Culture Update: Quote on Justin Beiber

"You have to sort of let them make some of their own decisions. Me personally, I would love to be with him all the time and to be able to ground him and deal with his problems and do all of that stuff, but at s...