Ministry Is Hard Work. Right?

"We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hop...

Jordan Riley: You Make Me Better

Last summer, my former pastor was in an accident and should have died. God saved him.He was helping people and tripped and fell of a cliff and hung upside down for two hours in the heat until a random lady...

Trust Walk

Here is a simple but effective trust-building exercise you can use to bring teenagers together. All you need are blindfolds.Begin by asking each teenager to partner with another teen for this game. On...

Youth Group Devo: Wasting Time with Jesus

The BackdropYou've probably heard of the word sabbath, and you may have a good idea of what it means; but as much as that word shows up throughout the Bible, it actually gets very little play in Christian ...

Youth Culture Update: Peer Pressure and Teens

We all know teens are susceptible to peer pressure, but why? Researchers say it's because they care a great deal about what other people think about them.Sure, that may seem fairly self-evident, but scientists ...