Making Social Media Work for Youth Workers

@import url(;@import url(/ywjadmin_wysiwyg.css); Social media suck. They suck time I mean, although ...

Social Media Myth Busting

If you ask almost any group of people what the most depressing day of the week is, what answer would you expect to hear? Probably Monday, right? Well as it turns out, the biggest bummer is Wednesday. When you t...

Death by Tech

Has anyone else found him or herself wishing students happy birthday on Facebook instead of actually sending birthday cards, or is it just me? How about actually calling students to invite them to an event inst...

Drawing First Grace

The Backdrop:Pop quiz: What material did Adam and Eve use to create their first garments the moment they saw that they were naked?If you're thinking fig leaf material, you're right. Now, use your imagination fo...

Youth Culture Update: Speaking of Books…

More people who identify as practicing Christians have read Fifty Shades of Grey than The Hobbit, according to a new study by the Barna Group.For the poll, researchers looked at books that had some sort of ente...