Soul Surfer: Compassion

Opening:Compassion can be defined as "showing deep feelings of concern for those who are suffering and needy." Compassion can happen on mission a trip to Thailand to help others recover from a tsunami, or it ca...

The Last Song: Grief

OpeningDeath, betrayal and separation are just a few of the things that can lead to grief and sadness in our everyday lives. Grief and sadness are powerful things in our lives because they remind us of how frag...

The Sandlot: Fear

OpeningFear is an emotion that can take over your life. It can make you sick, keep you from trying new things and keep you from meeting new people. Someone once said, "Fear can keep us up all night long, but fa...

Evan Almighty: Family

OpeningHave you ever thought about what life would be like without your family? Sometimes we have disagreements with members of our family but we would all agree that life without our families would not be good...

Working from the Inside Out (Part 1 of 2)

The BackdropHave you ever been in a situation in which the harder you try the more you fail? Maybe it was dieting; meeting homework deadlines; trying to stop one of those habitual, nagging sins; or maybe you ca...