Campus Ministry: Final Prep for Mission

College ministry in the summer can be an interesting beast to tame. Some of our ministries aren't really affected by the summer months; others blow up with all of our students returning; others go dormant becau...

Youth Culture Lesson: Shame on You

Can Guilt Help Us Be Better People?Get downloadable PDF.Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation.About/DisclaimerWhat Happened:New York City is trying a new technique to keep the city's teens from getting pregn...

The Jimmy Fallon Hypothesis

I hate it when I'm going in for a high-five and someone decides at the last minute to give me a fist bump. You know what I'm talking about. It's that uncomfortable moment when you reach out to slap someone's ha...

Youth Culture Update: Getting Cranky Online

Social networks often are thought of conduits to find, continue or strengthen friendships; but a new survey suggests that sites such as Facebook can cause friendships to break—largely because people tend ...

Youth Culture Update: That Tubby Tube

When it comes to sparking childhood obesity, not all screens are created equal. According to a new study published in Pediatrics, children who were apt to watch a lot of television were far more likely to be he...

Big Games for Small Groups

My parents were watching TV in the living room when they heard banging from the back of the house. My dad went around the corner to check on the noise and found April, a girl from our church group whom my paren...

For the Glory

Vision Video, 2013, 106 min., $19.99For the Glory is a great story of redemption and purpose. The movie portrays the faith and success of Kurt Kuykendall, and his rise to being a soccer star. For youth min...