Game: Roll Out

For an energetic relay game, try Roll Out. Essentially, two teams will compete against each other for time, with members of each team taking turns rolling across the mats before tagging the next person in line.

The Wilderness of Delays

We’ve all experienced times of s-l-o-w-n-e-s-s. The Scriptures uses a particular language, terms that are deemed necessary during times of delays. Waiting.

You’re (Not) Made of Steel

Had we just pulled off a successful outreach event? Yes. Did I care? Nope. I was tired of ministry, wondering how it had gone from something I loved so dearly to something I resented so fiercely.

3 Steps For Connecting With Parents

Ice cream and garbage, that was our lesson for the night. Some of the students went to get ice cream cones while the rest of us picked up litter as part of our adopt-a-park service project. It sparked a great ...

Don’t Pigeonhole Students

While on vacation, my extended family and I went boating, something I have fond memories of from childhood vacations. As is often the case when extended family gathers, as we sat around the beach, people star...

Same Team

Somewhere along the way, lines of demarcation developed between parental spiritual guidance and youth ministry discipleship. Parents would subconsciously think, or even overtly say, “You’re the profession...

The Power of a Multi-Year Curriculum

For youth workers who love teaching and want to be more effective, a quality multi-year curriculum is the most powerful and best-kept secret in youth work. Discover it, create it, live it and enjoy it for years to come.

Glue Tag

This game is kind of like regular tag, except that tagged players must put their hands on the spot where they were tagged. If you're tagged 3 times, you're "it". A clever player will tag in awkward places, such...