If you’ve turned on the news any time during the past year, it’s been hard to miss the wave of young social activism sweeping our nation. Teenagers like David Hogg and Emma González are becoming household names like Malala Yousafzai or the Little Rock Nine before them. More and more, teens are demanding their place Read More
Thin Spaces
Painted between 1510-1512 AD, is an Italian fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. It was painted by a well-known artist named Michelangelo. Measuring 18 feet by 10 feet, it depicts the Biblical creation of Adam. At the center of this painting is the connected fingertips of Adam and God suggesting the connection between Read More
Talking to Teens About Suicide
It doesn’t take a lot of digging around to find alarming statistics regarding the rates of suicide in today’s youth. The Center for Disease Control and Prevent, claims that suicide was the second leading cause for death among 10-24 year olds in 2016. According to The Jason Foundation, each day in our nation, there are Read More
15 Awesome Summer Games
Summer is finally here! This time of year is often a challenge in the ministry world because of all the vacations and traveling. So how do you keep your students engaged? We’ve put together a list of exciting summer games your students will want to play again and again. Name Red Rover Q-tip War Duckie Read More
Introduction: If you could choose to be famous for something, what would it be? Have you ever met someone who is famous? Who? How did people react when they saw him or her?Study1. Concentrate while reading John...
Introduction: Have you ever had a garden? What have you grown in it? What kinds of things grow on vines? (I have to admit I had to Google, "What grows on vines?" for this. Grapes, kiwi, passion fruit, watermelo...
A Devotional Handbook for Beginning College StudentsPete Charton, Ph.D.Self-Published, 2012, 126 pp., $8.95Off to College with King Solomon offers spiritual and secular advice for Christian college student...
Introduction: When are times we typically celebrate people's lives? (birthdays, weddings, births, funerals…) What was one of your most memorable birthdays?
1. Read John 14:6. What is the third thi...
Introduction: Begin by having the people in your group think of two truths and one lie to share about themselves. Have others in the group guess which of the three things they share is the lie.
1. Rea...
It stands to reason that overweight kids eat more than their more svelte peers. Why? According to German researchers, it could be because their tastebuds are less sensitive. For the study, researchers selected ...
It's not uncommon for families in China to hope their next offspring is a boy—and if the ultrasound says otherwise to abort the baby. However, would-be parents in the United States are doing their own gen...
A father-daughter dance was banned in a Rhode Island school district after the American Civil Liberties Union brought a suit against the district, claiming the dance was discriminatory. The ACLU actually forced...
Teens who send and/or receive sexually explicit messages via their smartphones are more likely to engage in sex itself, according to a new survey in Los Angeles. The survey, which encompassed more than 1,800 te...
Introduction: Describe to the person sitting next to you a way you drive from church to your house. Is there another way you could go if one of the roads you normally use were blocked? Describe to the person si...