This year, I have been going through one of the unique challenges and joys of being a woman in ministry. Pregnancy.

This time, it isn’t one of my students who is pregnant, but myself. My husband and I have been married for four and a half years, and I purposely waited awhile to have kids because I knew it would present some unique challenges to ministry. The past nine months have been quite an adventure. I started out being a little queasy in meetings and almost had to run out of one meeting due to nausea.

One of our ministry’s first major events during this time was a ski trip. I was still in my first trimester at that time and the news was still a surprise, so I had to gracefully bow out of skiing this year. I brought along lots of snacks to keep my stomach up to par.

Then there was telling everyone. I told the staff as a whole first, but in hindsight should have told our senior pastor first. Then I had to tell each group of people in rapid succession so the news wouldn’t get out in the wrong order—youth elder, youth leaders, students, congregation. THEN I put it on Facebook.

Telling the youth was the most fun part. One girl screamed and couldn’t believe the news. One guy got a smile on his face and patted my husband’s shoulder saying, “Nice job!” They were all really excited about the news, and so was the congregation. They were so loving, supportive and enthusiastic. I could tell they would become a second family to our little one.

Then came some of the challenges of ministry while being pregnant…My doctor informed me I couldn’t do most of the usual youth group activities, including skiing and snow tubing. I was not allowed to fast during our 30-Hour Famine event. Only a youth leader would be sad about not being able to go without food for 30 hours! It presented unique challenges as I had to have extra leaders in place at each of these events. I was participating but felt a little left out of the fun.

Later, as my belly grew a little larger, the exhaustion got me. My usual full day of ministry exhausted me, and I couldn’t carry as much program stuff up and down stairs or run around preparing as I once had. I needed a nap right before youth group!

This summer, it has really hit me that I haven’t been able to attend our usual mission trips. I spent a lot of time in prayer about this; and God provided leaders for all of our summer trips, which was a huge blessing. I really have missed being there, serving alongside the students in ministry. However, it has provided me with extra time to plan for our fall activities and prepare things for our leaders to take over during my maternity leave.

Being pregnant in ministry has taught  a few things. First, it has shown me God’s joy can be absolutely overwhelming at times. I never expected to feel so excited and joyful to share the news of our upcoming baby with our church family. It showed me just how loving our congregation is and how much the members really care about each other. It was also a joy that I could share with the students as they asked about the baby each week.

It also has taught me to ask for help when I need it. Maybe I do need someone else’s muscles to carry those boxes to the fellowship hall or to help plan for the fall retreat. It has been a huge exercise in letting go of a lot of the things I am used to doing. As I prepare for the birth and maternity leave, this will be another exercise in trust and letting go. We have some fabulous leaders who I know will do a great job leading in my absence, but there are many days when I worry if I have planned enough for them and gotten every detail ready to go. This is where my faith is stretched and where I have to believe God has everything under control. Being pregnant in youth ministry has been a challenging, yet joyful experience; and I look forward to seeing what God will do in this next chapter of my life and ministry.

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