The Church Family is actually a community of faith. It is a collective of people endeavoring to live like Jesus. It is of one mind but definitely not like the Borg of Star Trek. We are a collection of individuals who care for others.

I recently came across something that another Salvation Army church has adapted from Rick Warren’s purpose driven style. I have modified it a little further but find it a helpful reminder that I am a part of a valuable community of faith. It is worth contemplating. I am not always big on signing cards, pledges and vows but this is pretty good.

Having received Christ as my Savior and being in agreement with mission of this church I desire to be a part of this community of faith. As an attendee I commit myself to God and to others in this church family:

I will guard the unity of my church by acting in love toward others in my church family. I refuse to gossip and endeavor to support my leaders.

I will share the responsibility of my church by prayer, by inviting others and by warmly welcoming newcomers.

I will serve the ministry of my church by using my gifts and talents, by serving where possible, by developing a servant’s heart that will help when needed.

Read more blog entries here.

I will support my church by attending faithfully, by living a life of integrity and by giving regularly.