Beacon Hill, 2006, 192 pp., $14.99,

It’s no secret that our country has become polarized in recent years. As a pastor I have seen the frustra­tion in my congrega­tion over why “the other side” doesn’t see eye to eye with them. Enter Barbara Curtis and this timely work. A former hippie, anti-war activist, and pro-choice advocate, she now is a conservative. She explores the issues, the thinking behind both sides, and how the two can be bridged. Through her own testimony and transfor­mation she brings new understanding to the issues. She is not creating a compromise, rather, she is teaching understanding and compassion—to see where the other side is coming from and, in so doing, create new opportunities.

I would love for my church to read it; too many Christians have become so distracted by the issues that they have lost sight of the people behind them and God’s love and desire for them.


Review by: Matthew McNutt, youth pastor at Boothbay Baptist Church in Boothbay, Maine.

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