By Rick Lawrence
David C. Cook, 2011, 272 pp., $14.99,

God allows pain to happen. You can lock that truth awkwardly into a theological closet or overshadow it with clichés, yet eventually you will wrestle with it. As author Rick Lawrence points out, Jesus didn’t thwart the sifting Peter experienced through the hand of Satan, but prayed he would survive it. The only two conclusions this leaves us with is that Christ is a co-conspirator with the devil or can judo sin and tragedy into redemption and restoration.

Sifted is a transparent and courageous journey into the lines of responsibility we blur between God and Satan. By focusing on one of the last sentences Jesus spoke to His disciples, we discover how to interact with God when we’d rather tell Him off. The illustrations, case studies and metaphors make it an easy read for new Christians, but the content and biblical integrity give even the most seasoned Christians something solid to sink their teeth into.

Rick Lawrence may be well-known for providing youth workers with practical tools to develop experiential ministries, yet this poking and prodding is perhaps the most useful resource he’s written. It’s about time someone had the courage to help us ask questions about pain that we’d rather stuff down and ignore. The insights gained from this read not only will deepen your walk with God, but give you something authentic in your toolbox when someone experiencing tragedy turns to you for direction and perspective.

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