Quick Backdrop
Today’s devo is very simple: It’s one verse, but it’s a powerful verse.

The What
To notice the detail, you may want to print out the verse below or paste it into an e-doc. Then, read the verse and highlight any people groups noted. Then, read it again, this time highlighting (in a different color or using a symbol) any instructions related to each people group.

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27).

Now do this. Create a chart with three columns, and label each column with one of the people groups. Your column labels would be something such as Widows, Orphans and Myself. Then, write or type the instruction we’re given for each people group.

The So What
It doesn’t get much simpler than this. If you’ve ever asked God what His will is for your life, this verse is an answer. Suppose you were to dedicate your life just to these three things: looking after widows in distress, looking after orphans in distress, and keeping yourself from being polluted by the world. If you did only these things, your life would be dedicated to something God accepts as pure and faultless. That’s a nice life’s work.

Take a moment to pray about this right now. Could you dedicate yourself to these three things during the next few days? Pray about each people group, and let God bring to mind names of widows in your life. Let Him lead your heart to children who are orphaned or in orphan-like situations. Let Him reveal how you can keep yourself from being polluted by the world.

Putting into Practice
Now get hyper-practical. Write down names or specific situations in the appropriate columns of your chart. Ask your pastor or youth pastor about any senior adults or single-parent families you could come alongside. Contact your local Big Brothers Big Sisters (or similar organization) to see if there is a way you can contribute. You may be too young to be a Big Brother/Sister, but there might be other ways you can help. Then write down a specific task you can do this week to look after these special people.

Finally, think about keeping yourself from being polluted by the world. How does that look? We are all around the world’s pollution all day, every day; but how does the world’s pollution seep into your life? Is it through social media? Other media? Friends? Internet? What can you do to close the valves on these sources? Write down a specific answer for each source of pollution that seeps into your life.

You may have noticed the activities of pure and faultless religion cover two bases: people around you in distress and yourself. Dedicate yourself to obeying this verse during the next few days. You may be surprised at how this one, simple verse can change your life.

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