Britney Spears’ mom has revealed the depth of her “brave little girl’s” drug addiction, desperation and despair in a searing and wealth-creating account of celebrity motherhood.

Lynne Spears spells out the “shock and dismay” she suffered while her daughter verged on total breakdown and she discovered that Sam Lufti, the pop star’s sometime companion, guru and manager, was grinding up medication and sneaking it into Britney’s food in the hope of inducing a coma.

Mrs Spears, 53, writes in her third book about her daughter that after periods of difficulty, including a stint in the psychiatric ward of the UCLA medical centre, Britney is regaining her “glorious voice.”

Through The Storm: A Real Tale of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World also allows Spears senior to explain her emotions when she discovered that her second daughter was pregnant: it was like being “punched in the stomach.”

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