Jonathan Acuff
Zondervan, 2009, 208 pp., $12.99,

Stuff Christians Like is a collection of satirical essays poking fun at the humorous intricacies of American Christianity. Many of these punches at Christendom are hilariously accurate. They’re so true that it’s really hard not to laugh at some, and harder still not to feel convicted by others.

Some of the “stuff” Acuff says Christians like: using “let me pray about it” as a euphemism for “no,” telling testimonies that are exciting right up to the moment you became a Christian, skipping church if you catch even a whiff of a guest speaker, complaining about not being “fed” at church and many other admonitions.

Acuff’s “stuff” will be uncannily familiar to most frequenters of church. His essays are intelligent and witty parodies that are capable of entertaining and challenging any reader. If you want a good laugh and some deep thought, this book is perfect for you.

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