In our culture, there is a prevailing false dichotomy between the sacred and the secular, which is not biblical and does not honor the lordship of Christ over all of life. Unfortunately, the church has bought i...
John J. Lemoncelli, EdDPraeger, 2012, 171 pp., $37, ABC-Clio.comA third of females and one sixth of males are sexually abused by age 18, according to recent research. Some of these abused young people are in ou...
Dennis and Barbara RaineyFamilyLife Publishing, 2012, 121 pp., $39.57A first glance, this looks like another youth ministry product to host a purity weekend with students; to my delightful surprise, it a w...
Kara DurbinMoody Publishers, 2012, 246 pp., $14.99When Kara Durbin began her search for a topical Scripture reference book for parents, her investigation ended fruitlessly. Fortunate for us, she decided to writ...
Doug FranklinLeaderTreks, 2012, 106 pp., $9.95On top of sending our students out of high school with a relationship with Christ and an understanding of sound theology, it is crucial that also we help our studen...
Phil BellGroup Publishing, 2012, 182 pp., $9.99If you have been in youth ministry for five minutes, whether as a youth pastor, volunteer or driver for events, you know teens love to ask questions—lots of ...
99 Thoughts on Jesus-Centered LivingRick LawrenceGroup Publishing, 2012, 86 pp., $5.9999 Thoughts About Junior High MinistryKurt JohnstonGroup Publishing, 2012, 65 pp., $5.9999 Thoughts on Caring for Your Youth...
Mike EdwardsNavPress, 2012, DVD Documentary and Soundtrack: $49.99, DVD Leader's Kit: $49.99The yellow rose traditionally symbolizes joy and friendship. The Yellow Roses Project, directed by Mike Edwards, unfol...
Gary Chapman and Ross CampbellNorthfield Publishing, 2012, 221 pp., $14.99The 5 Love Languages Series from Dr. Gary Chapman boasts a long list of titles and has catered to many specific groups. In this particul...
Heather ZempelInterVarsity Press, 2012, 208 pp., $15.00As the pastor of discipleship at National Community Church in Washington, D.C., Heather Zempel has garnered experience in how to do small group ministry an...