Take-Alongs: Make Your Lesson Mobile

We all want our lessons to be remembered. We always say things such as, "Take this with you this week." We are always looking for ways to make the ideas and lesson topics stick with our students. Why not create...

Hope for One School

Students Can Give Township Children Hope for the FutureFlocks of chatting, laughing children in navy and baby-blue uniforms are still swarming onto school grounds at 8:15. Class is supposed to start at 8—...

One Neighborhood of Problems

Shining Examples Needed in a Dark TownshipWith its castle-like architecture and high security, the Pavilion looms on top of a hill in stark contrast to the poor, crime-ridden township of Chesterville below.Durb...
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Door of Hope

Eight-month old Grace* was found abandoned in downtown Johannesburg, South Africa, badly injured from multiple rapes after she was sold by her mother to men who believed the popular Third World myth that having...

Fundraising 101

At my first youth ministry job interview, I was asked, "How do you plan on fundraising the thousands of dollars required for our summer mission trip?" As a 21 year old, I'm sure I looked like a deer caught in t...

Student Ministry: Let Them Lead

My students and I had just finished an intense weekend of ministry, serving our church in various capacities during Passion Week. We had reached the culmination of it all when I watched an adult approach me wit...


I'm a chaplain in a hospital, and it was years ago when I walked into the room of a 58-year-old man. I introduced myself as the chaplain, the minister of the hospital. The man was sitting up in his bed, looking...

A Leader: Man or Office?

When we choose to follow someone, many times it is only because he or she is the boss. The one in charge has an office above ours, and it is our job to do what that person says. However, most good lea...

Leadership Lessons from the Ant

Every year around the time of spring and summer, ants begin to invade. You may have experienced this before. As the weather gets nicer and the spring begins, these little creatures wake up in the warmth and fin...