Maximize Your Youth Ministry at Camp

Randy Rainwater was looking for an easy A in college. What he got was a life-shaping experience that has served as a lynchpin of his youth ministry. The class was Christian Camp Counseling at Asbury College (no...

Are We Making a Difference?

In the fall of 2011, I sent out a letter through email to about 50 youth workers across the country representing vaious sized churches, denominations, geographic location, etc. My hope was these youth work...

Armed Forces Day Is May 19

Polls and surveys show that Americans' public opinion is turning against the war in Afghanistan. Actually, the war in Iraq never was popular in the United States, but that means young people whose parents serve...

Equipping Teen Girls to Choose Abstinence

Teens are often taught about God's design for sex in general terms, but they also need to be equipped for specific situations. In youth group lessons, one-on-one mentoring, or even comments in passing, you have...