I decided to give up Bible teaching and teach wrestling instead. It began a few years ago, during a Wednesday night small group, when one of my eighth grade girls decided it was time for her to share that s...
At the base of the mountain, teens pour from the cars as the first slivers of dawn creep over the mountains to the east. The youth drag a wooden cross from the bed of a truck. One of the teens shoulders the cross, and we begin to climb.
Begin by hiding a $1 bill somewhere in the meeting room. The bill can be crumpled, too, or stuffed inside an object. When the group assembles, invite the teenagers to find the dollar bill. One a cold day, t...
Now, I believe camp has the potential to be the greatest invitation in a student's life: a life filled with listening to the Spirit and living in community. I no longer have a love/hate relationship with camp. I simply love camp.
Groups looking for an inexpensive game that can be played on a concrete floor or tiled area, while also providing loads of excitement, might enjoy Duct Tape Bowling.
Create the lane by shaping a large rectan...