Thankful in All Things

ym360 is offering a free Thanksgiving lesson here with accompanying PowerPoint and student hand out.Objective: To help students understand a thankful heart involves more than just words and thoughts; it's ...

Graham Goldmine

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association recently announced that it is offering 1,700 Graham audio files at The files include sermons, radio shows, crusades and comments Graham made at a presi...

Group Prayers for Thanksgiving

My heart of hearts affirms You, O Lord; and all that is within me blessesYour holy name.My soul blesses You, O Lord, and I will not forget all Your benefits;You forgive all my iniquities and heal all my disease...

Boys Ministry: The Art of the Road Trip

There's something about cramming a bunch of young, animated guys into a church van and heading off somewhere in search of some fun and spiritual impact that excites a few people and terrifies the sane ones. For...

Fear of the Lord

Don't Be Afraid to Test Your Knowledge1.) Henry prays before every track meet. Well, almost every meet. Last week he forgot to pray because he was running late. During the track meet, he tripped and broke his l...