The Almighty Bible: GenesisKevin O'DonnellApple of the Eye, 2010, Book, $13.99, iPad App, $2.99Comic book styled Bibles have been around a while, but what separates this resource from others in its genre i...
While adolescents may be skeptical toward the church or organized religion, Of Gods and Men celebrates the enduring power of a Christian community. In 1995, terrorists threatened seven Trappist monks living in ...
Long Story Short: Ten-Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to GodMarty MachowskiNew Growth Press, 2010, 416 pp., $19.9910-Minute Moments-Parables: Exploring Jesus' Parables 10 Minutes at a TimeScott Firestone I...
Reach Out: Don't Freak Out Greg StierStudent Devotional, 91 pp., and 2 DVDsDare 2 Share Ministries/Group Publishing, 2011. $29.99Many adolescents are paralyzed when it comes to sharing their faith. Much of that...
What Are You Waiting For? The One Thing No One Ever Tells You About SexDannah GreshWaterBrook Press, 2011, 178 pp., $10From the first word to the last, author Dannah Gresh writes with an intensity and pass...
Reach Out: Don't Freak Out Greg StierDare 2 Share Ministries/Group Publishing, 2011, 96 pp., $8.99Teenagers may agree with the idea of sharing their faith, but many don't know how to get past the fear of doing ...
Leaders Who LastDave KraftCrossway, 2010, 155 pp., $14.99Kraft is a leader practitioner—not theorist—who serves as leadership development pastor at Mars Hill Church in Seattle. His experience shows ...
Drops Like Stars: A Few Thoughts on Creativity and SufferingRob BellZondervan, 2010• 144 pp., $19.99 Paperback• 150 pp., $34.99 Hardcover• 2:07:30, $19.99 Tour Film The tour fi...
The Mockingbird Parables: Transforming Lives Through the Power of StoryMatt LittonTyndale House Publishers, 2010, 233 pp., $14.99 Here's a challenge. The next time your students complain about some old book t...