Path of Purity is a well-written update to True Love Waits. It serves as a guide for parents to recognize and prepare for markers their children will experience as they grow in biblical purity. Youth worke...
Love God. Love others.In the previous issue, we looked at the first half of the above phrase: Love God. I'm just obsessive compulsiveness enough to have to dedicate this column to the last half: Love others. Yo...
Randy Brown's thoughts on Planting Missional Churches by Ed StetzerChapter 1The basis of this chapter was getting back to the basics of what it means to be a church and what type of approach we need to hav...
Our mission as Christians is to share the gospel with the entire world. Jesus told Peter in Matthew 16 the keys of the kingdom would be given to the church. We make up God's kingdom on earth, and we have been g...
Evangelism is not often thought of as a discipline, possibly because evangelism is often left to those who are called to the ministry. Many lay people believe that one must have a particular spiritual gift in o...
As a pastor, one of the roles we fulfill is that of an evangelist. We must adopt Christ's primary mission to fulfill this role completely. The ultimate purpose of Christ's ministry on earth was to seek and save...
It's not that most churches haven't tried to be relevant to this generation and their communities. It certainly isn't because they have lacked creative resources or high-impact Christian events in the past deca...
As ministers, we need to be diligent and determined in our approach to ministering to the people we serve. We also must be this deliberate when it comes to our own spiritual growth and development. For man...
Exodus 32:1-15When God created man, he was unlike anything else God had created. Every living thing up to that point was spoken into being. God spoke and what He spoke appeared. Man on the other hand ...
Ministry in the Image of God: The Trinitarian Shape of Christian ServiceStephen SeamandsIntervarsity Press, 2005, 189 pp., $15In Ministry in the Image of God, Seamands explores the impact of the Trinity on...